SQL reference

Date: April 19th 2016
Last updated: April 20th 2016

Use MySQL shell

mysql -u root -p

Find database

SHOW databases;

Select database (my examples will use the surfdiary database)

USE surfdiary;

Show all tables

SHOW tables;

Select all columns from a table (E.g. country table)

SELECT * FROM country;

Get all column names from a table

SELECT column_name FROM 
WHERE table_name = 'country';
| column_name            |
| id                     |
| common_name            |
| captial                |
| formal_name            |
| iso4217_currency_code  |
| iso4217_currency       |
| iso3166_1_2Letter_code |
| iso3166_1_3Letter_code |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Select single column from a table

SELECT common_name FROM country;

Count not null records in a column

SELECT COUNT(common_name) FROM country;
  | Count(common_name) |
  |                241 |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Count and rename the output column

SELECT COUNT(common_name) AS name FROM country;
  | name |
  |  241 |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Order column alphabetically

SELECT common_name FROM 
ORDER BY common_name ASC; /* descending order with DESC
  | common_name                            |
  | Afghanistan                            |
  | Aland                                  |
  | Albania                                |
  | Algeria                                |
  | American Samoa                         |
  | Andorra                                |
  ...<- snipped ->

Select records BETWEEN certain letters in a table

SELECT common_name FROM 
WHERE common_name BETWEEN 'A' and 'B';
| common_name         |
| Antarctica          |
| Ascension           |
| Andorra             |
| Afghanistan         |
| Antigua and Barbuda |
| Albania             |
| Armenia             |
| Angola              |
| Argentina           |
| American Samoa      |
| Austria             |
| Australia           |
| Aruba               |
| Aland               |
| Azerbaijan          |
| Algeria             |
16 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Select records using LIKE (E.g. countries starting with 'Z')

SELECT common_name FROM 
WHERE common_name LIKE 'Z%';
| common_name |
| Zambia      |
| Zimbabwe    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Select records ending with a specific letter (E.g. countries ending with 'c')

SELECT common_name FROM 
WHERE common_name LIKE '%c';
| common_name              |
| Central African Republic |
| Czech Republic           |
| Dominican Republic       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Select records that contain a set of letters (E.g. 'man')

SELECT common_name FROM 
WHERE common_name LIKE '%man%';
| common_name    |
| Germany        |
| Isle of Man    |
| Cayman Islands |
| Oman           |
| Romania        |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

GROUP records by a column (e.g. group by currency code)

SELECT iso4217_currency_code, COUNT(iso4217_currency_code) AS count FROM 
GROUP BY iso4217_currency_code;
| iso4217_currency_code | count |
|                       |     6 |
| AED                   |     1 |
| AFN                   |     1 |
| ALL                   |     1 |
| AMD                   |     1 |
| ANG                   |     1 |
| AOA                   |     1 |
| ARS                   |     1 |
... <- snipped ->

ORDER the output and LIMIT to top 10

SELECT iso4217_currency_code, COUNT(iso4217_currency_code) AS count FROM 
GROUP BY iso4217_currency_code 
| iso4217_currency_code | count |
| EUR                   |    25 |
| USD                   |    14 |
| XOF                   |     8 |
| XCD                   |     7 |
|                       |     6 |
| XAF                   |     6 |
| AUD                   |     6 |
| NZD                   |     5 |
| XPF                   |     3 |
| SHP                   |     3 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Find all records LIKE a search pattern (e.g. 7 letters starting with 'A')

SELECT common_name, iso4217_currency_code FROM 
WHERE common_name LIKE 'A______';
| common_name | iso4217_currency_code |
| Andorra     | EUR                   |
| Albania     | ALL                   |
| Armenia     | AMD                   |
| Austria     | EUR                   |
| Algeria     | DZD                   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Multiple WHERE clauses using AND

 SELECT common_name, iso4217_currency_code FROM 
 WHERE common_name LIKE 'A______' 
 AND iso4217_currency_code = 'EUR';
| common_name | iso4217_currency_code |
| Andorra     | EUR                   |
| Austria     | EUR                   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Multiple WHERE clauses using OR

SELECT common_name, iso4217_currency_code FROM 
WHERE common_name LIKE 'A______' 
OR iso4217_currency_code = 'EUR';
| common_name               | iso4217_currency_code |
| Andorra                   | EUR                   |
| Albania                   | ALL                   |
| Armenia                   | AMD                   |
| Austria                   | EUR                   |
| Aland                     | EUR                   |
| Belgium                   | EUR                   |
| Germany                   | EUR                   |
| Algeria                   | DZD                   |
| Spain                     | EUR                   |
| Finland                   | EUR                   |
| France                    | EUR                   |
| French Guiana             | EUR                   |
| Guadeloupe                | EUR                   |
| Greece                    | EUR                   |
| Ireland                   | EUR                   |
| Italy                     | EUR                   |
| Luxembourg                | EUR                   |
| Monaco                    | EUR                   |
| Montenegro                | EUR                   |
| Martinique                | EUR                   |
| Netherlands               | EUR                   |
| Saint Pierre and Miquelon | EUR                   |
| Portugal                  | EUR                   |
| Reunion                   | EUR                   |
| Slovenia                  | EUR                   |
| San Marino                | EUR                   |
| Vatican City              | EUR                   |
| Mayotte                   | EUR                   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Multiple clauses on the same column

SELECT common_name, iso4217_currency_code, COUNT(iso4217_currency_code) FROM
WHERE common_name LIKE 'A______' 
OR iso4217_currency_code = 'EUR' 
GROUP BY iso4217_currency_code 
ORDER BY iso4217_currency_code;

| common_name | iso4217_currency_code | COUNT(iso4217_currency_code) |
| Albania     | ALL                   |                            1 |
| Armenia     | AMD                   |                            1 |
| Algeria     | DZD                   |                            1 |
| Andorra     | EUR                   |                           25 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Aggregation using a subquery
(using a different table: this time with City table)

WHERE latitude = (
                  SELECT MIN(latitude) FROM 
| id  | latitude      | longitude     | name                                | country_id | province_id |
| 184 | -89.982893860 | 139.266992600 | Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station   |          1 |           1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Find MAX using subquery

SELECT id, name,latitude, longitude FROM 
WHERE latitude = (
                  SELECT MAX(latitude) FROM 
| id   | name  | latitude     | longitude     |
| 1470 | Alert | 82.483323180 | -62.249983560 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Merging tables

The following examples use three tables including 1) Country (used in the examples above), 2) Province and 3) City.

Example data of country table

SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 5;
| id | common_name          | captial          | formal_name                  | iso4217_currency_code | iso4217_currency | iso3166_1_2Letter_code | iso3166_1_3Letter_code |
|  1 | Antarctica           |                  | Antarctica                   |                       |                  | AQ                     | ATA                    |
|  2 | Ascension            | Georgetown       |                              | SHP                   | Pound            | AC                     | ASC                    |
|  3 | Andorra              | Andorra la Vella | Principality of Andorra      | EUR                   | Euro             | AD                     | AND                    |
|  4 | United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi        | United Arab Emirates         | AED                   | Dirham           | AE                     | ARE                    |
|  5 | Afghanistan          | Kabul            | Islamic State of Afghanistan | AFN                   | Afghani          | AF                     | AFG                    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Example data of province table (one foreign key: country_id)

SELECT * FROM province LIMIT 5;
| id | name     | country_id |
|  1 |          |         12 |
|  2 | La Rioja |         11 |
|  3 | Calarasi |        183 |
|  4 | Fromager |         43 |
|  5 | Okinawa  |        110 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Example data of City table (two foreign keys: country_id and province_id)

| id | latitude     | longitude    | name        | country_id | province_id |
|  1 | 34.983000130 | 63.133299640 | Qal eh-ye   |          5 |        1982 |
|  2 | 34.516701100 | 65.250000630 | Chaghcharan |          5 |         646 |
|  3 | 31.582998020 | 64.359999550 | Lashkar Gah |          5 |         591 |
|  4 | 31.112001080 | 61.886997520 | Zaranj      |          5 |        1959 |
|  5 | 32.633298150 | 65.866698650 | Tarin Kowt  |          5 |         113 |

JOIN records by foreign key

SELECT city.name, country.common_name FROM 
city, country  
WHERE city.country_id = country.id 
ORDER BY common_name DESC 
| name           | common_name |
| Mazowe         | Zimbabwe    |
| Shamva         | Zimbabwe    |
| Victoria Falls | Zimbabwe    |
| Zvishavane     | Zimbabwe    |
| Kwekwe         | Zimbabwe    |
| Plumtree       | Zimbabwe    |
| Beitbridge     | Zimbabwe    |
| Gwanda         | Zimbabwe    |
| Chiredzi       | Zimbabwe    |
| Masvingo       | Zimbabwe    |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

JOIN 3 tables using 2 foreign keys in a single table
E.g. join city, country and province using the foreign keys in the City table

SELECT city.name, country.common_name, province.name 
FROM city, country, province 
WHERE city.country_id = country.id 
AND city.province_id = province.id 
AND province.name LIKE '%New South Wales%' 
| name          | common_name | name            |
| Central Coast | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Bourke        | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Tweed Heads   | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Ivanhoe       | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Wilcannia     | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Merimbula     | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Echuca        | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Deniliquin    | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Nowra         | Australia   | New South Wales |
| Ulladulla     | Australia   | New South Wales |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Left Join

SELECT city.name, country.common_name 
FROM city
JOIN country
ON city.country_id = country.id 
WHERE city.name LIKE '%Z'
| name                          | common_name |
| Kondoz                        | Afghanistan |
| Gardiz                        | Afghanistan |
| Ambriz                        | Angola      |
| Coronel Suarez                | Argentina   |
| Villa Carlos Paz              | Argentina   |
| Joaquin V. Gonzalez           | Argentina   |
| Ingeniero Guillermo N. Juarez | Argentina   |
| La Paz                        | Argentina   |
| Juarez                        | Argentina   |
| Bregenz                       | Austria     |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


SELECT column_name FROM table1
SELECT column_name FROM table2;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""