Query unique objects of a column

Date: April 5th 2016
Last updated: April 5th 2016

A simple check to see all distinct items in a table.


USE surfdiary;
SELECT DISTINCT(boardname) AS name FROM surferprofile_board;
| name                |
| Ducks Nuts          |
| Ducks Nuts (Thick)  |
| Fader               |
| Puzzle Piece        |
| Whiplash Taj Burrow |
| Enough Said         |
| Face Dancer         |
| V2 Shortboard       |
| Rare Bird           |
| Short Round         |
| V2 Grinder          |
| Rooster             |
| Double Shot         |
| Double Shot (Thick) |
| NULL                |

COUNT distinct items using GROUP BY

SELECT boardname, COUNT(*) AS count FROM surferprofile_board GROUP BY boardname;
| boardname           | count |
| NULL                |     1 |
| Double Shot         |     8 |
| Double Shot (Thick) |     4 |
| Ducks Nuts          |     9 |
| Ducks Nuts (Thick)  |     4 |
| Enough Said         |     6 |
| Face Dancer         |    10 |
| Fader               |     5 |
| Puzzle Piece        |     6 |
| Rare Bird           |    15 |
| Rooster             |     7 |
| Short Round         |     7 |
| V2 Grinder          |     6 |
| V2 Shortboard       |     8 |
| Whiplash Taj Burrow |     5 |

SELECT boardperformance, COUNT(*) AS count FROM surferprofile_board GROUP BY boardperformance;
| boardperformance | count |
| NULL             |     1 |
| AR               |    13 |
| FH               |    45 |
| HP               |    23 |
| SW               |    19 |

Adding more columns

SELECT boardname, boardperformance, COUNT(*) AS count FROM surferprofile_board GROUP BY boardname;
| boardname           | boardperformance | count |
| NULL                | NULL             |     1 |
| Double Shot         | SW               |     8 |
| Double Shot (Thick) | SW               |     4 |
| Ducks Nuts          | HP               |     9 |
| Ducks Nuts (Thick)  | HP               |     4 |
| Enough Said         | FH               |     6 |
| Face Dancer         | FH               |    10 |
| Fader               | HP               |     5 |
| Puzzle Piece        | FH               |     6 |
| Rare Bird           | FH               |    15 |
| Rooster             | AR               |     7 |
| Short Round         | SW               |     7 |
| V2 Grinder          | AR               |     6 |
| V2 Shortboard       | FH               |     8 |
| Whiplash Taj Burrow | HP               |     5 |

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