To do:
- email confirmation on registration
User profile
- Profile options:
- Privacy:
- Ask if the user wants to be public or private (need to add "flag" in Surfer model)
- public: all users can see their surfer profile page (stats, group affilitations etc)
- private: only a user_index page is visible (currently "index" -> forward slash url)
- Ask if the user wants to be public or private (need to add "flag" in Surfer model)
- Delete Profile (rejoin later on - temporary leave)
- require authentication
- Delete User (re-register later - permanent)
- require authentication
- Privacy:
- Allow creation of a group (unlimited?)
- group_creation page needs to allow picture upload
- On save of group_creation go to group index page
- The index page:
- The rest of groups ordered alphabetically, then numerically
- On (join) button click of group_request_button send email to Creator and Update Alerts inbox