sort form field by name
Date: April 10th 2016
Last updated: April 10th 2016
A form model choice field will show records in the order they were added to the database. This example uses a queryset to sort options by name.
useful resources
class Wave(models.Model):
#<- snipped ->
wavename = models.CharField(max_length=40)
beach = models.ForeignKey(Beach)
def __str__(self):
return '{} ({})'.format(self.wavename, self.beach)
class SurfDiary(models.Model):
#<- snipped ->
wave = models.ForeignKey(Wave, blank=True, null=True)
#<- snipped ->
class SurfDiaryForm(forms.ModelForm):
# Solution: use a queryset and the order_by function
# The order_by requires a field name from the model
wave = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Wave.objects.all().order_by('wavename'))
class Meta:
model = SurfDiary
fields = [
# <-snipped->
'wave', ]
Note that the options are sorted by name, but still show up ast requested by the models str function.