Create Table
Date: March 11th 2016
Last updated: March 11th 2016
Making a table follows the same basic syntax seen in getting started with sqlite; connect, create cursor, then execute SQL command.
import sqlite3
# Connecting to the database file
conn = sqlite3.connect('gitbook.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# Creating a new SQLite table with 1 column
c.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn} ({nf} {ft} PRIMARY KEY)'\
.format(tn='scoreboard', nf='score',ft='DECIMAL'))
# Committing changes and closing the connection to the database file
You can check this worked by using sqlite3 shell.
# connect to database
ray@computer:~/$ sqlite3 gitbook.db
#SQLite version 3.8.2 2013-12-06 14:53:30
#Enter ".help" for instructions
#Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .table
# scoreboard
sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(scoreboard)
# 0|score|DECIMAL|0||1
Or view the database schema using a GUI. The following screenshot is of Sqliteman installed on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 using software manager.