pass 2 variables in an href URL pattern
Date: March 31st 2016
Last updated: March 31st 2016
I need to send two arguments in a URL pattern. This is required because I have two different models being used in the URL. This is better shown rather than explained. Follow the comments inside each code block. (sending context to profile.html)
def profilepage(request, surfer_id):
surfer = get_object_or_404(Surfer, pk=surfer_id)
#<- snipped ->
boardstest = (surfer.boards.all())
return render(request, 'surferprofile/profile.html',
{'boardslist': boardslist, 'surfer': surfer})
profile.html (edit button: the point of this example)
<!-- I have a boardslist. For each board I want an edit button
Note that the boardslist is a queryset of the Surfer model, and there is
a many to many relationship between Surfer and Boards -->
{% for board in boardslist %}
<!-- make sure you assign each argument to a variable e.g. surfer_id -->
<a href="{% url 'surferprofile:editboard'
surfer_id =
board_id = %}">
<!-- I want the url pattern to be http:// where
the first '1' is the surfer id and the second '1' is the board id.--> (using name = editboard)
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views
app_name = 'surferprofile'
urlpatterns = [
views.editboard, name='editboard'),]
## Note the url pattern uses both surfer_id and board_id (both are numbers)
## Go to
## board_id captures the object instance
## surfer_id is used for the redirect back to their profile page
def editboard(request, surfer_id, board_id):
# Get the object instance
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=board_id)
# BoardForm is already created for users to ADD boards
# The difference here is the "instance=board" argument
form = BoardForm(request.POST or None, instance=board)
if form.is_valid():
board =
# Redirect
return redirect('/{}/'.format(surfer_id))
return render(request, 'surferprofile/updateboard.html',
{'board': board, 'form': form})